"Where you go, i go!"

COIL FAMILIES: Coils belonging to the same family are all compatible with each other (Exceptions may exist)
SMOK TFV16 Coil Family
SMOK TFV18 Coils
SMOK & Wotofo TFV18 RBA Coil
SMOK TFV16 Coils

Uwell Aeglos Coil Family
Uwell Aeglos Coils
Uwell Aeglos P1 Coils
Uwell Aeglos H2 Coils

Uwell Caliburn G Coil Family
Eleaf EN Coils
Inmood Incell UW Coils
Joyetech EN Coils
Uwell Caliburn G Coils
Uwell Caliburn G2 Coils

Uwell Valyrian Coil Family
Uwell Valyrian Coils
Uwell Valyrian II Coils
Uwell Valyrian III Coils

VooPoo PnP/GTX Coil Family
Across Vape AVC Coils
BP Mods TMD Coils
Dovpo DnP Coils
Elf Bar EBC Coils
Generivap V Coils
Inmood Incell VP Coils
Mechlyfe OCCVINCI Compact RBA Coil
Vapefly FreeCore™ G-Series Coils
Vapelustion Witness Coils
Vaperz Cloud VC Tech Coils
Vapirit VPR Coils
Vaporesso GTX Coils
Vaporesso GTX RBA Coil
Vaporesso GTX-2 Coils
VooPoo PnP Coils
VooPoo PnP-RBA Coil
Wotofo Manik Coils
Wotofo SMRT PnP RBA Coil

Please Note: Vaporesso GTX/GTX-2 Coils have a wider base length. They are not interchangeable with the other coils of the list.
Simply put, they are not compatible with other than Vaporesso Pods/Tanks (Exceptions may exist).

Wirice W8 Coil Family
Wirice W8 Coils
Hellvape T7 Coils

Wotofo nexMESH Pro Coil Family
OFRF nexMESH Coils
Wotofo nexMESH Pro Coils

Let us know what we’re missing or if you find any errors, hit us up via the contact form.