The Dead Rabbit M RTA Mesh Strips are a set of mesh coil strips designed for the Dead Rabbit M RTA.
Product Specifications:
Mesh Strip Coil 0.15ohm SS316L 10pcs - WATTAGE MODE & TEMPERATURE CONTROL
16mm x 6.8mm
50-60W Recommended Wattage
15-25W Dry Burn Wattage
Consult the Mesh Strip Coil Size Families List
Mesh Strip Coil 0.25ohm KA1 10pcs - WATTAGE MODE ONLY
16mm x 6.8mm
45-55W Recommended Wattage
15-25W Dry Burn Wattage
Consult the Mesh Strip Coil Size Families List
Please Note: Before using mesh strip coils requiring high wattage / pulling great amount of current, you must ensure that your batteries can handle them safely.
Improper use can lead to damage or injury.
* Don't forget to pulse your coils before first time use, to eliminate hotspots. This will prevent nasty, burnt tasting draws when in use.
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