* For Replacement Pods Lexicon, visit the REPLACEMENT PODS (PRE-FILLED & EMPTY) Category

Nasty PX2 Pre-filled Pod
Fit for:
Nasty Pod PX2 Fixed Coil Pod System

Nevoks Bellato AIO Boro Tank (AIO RBA Bridge Boro Pod)
Fit for:
Consult the Boro Format Pod Family at the Pod Systems Using The Same Pods Category

Nevoks Bellato AIO SPL-10 Boro Tank (AIO Bridge Coil Boro Pod)
Fit for:
Consult the Boro Format Pod Family at the Pod Systems Using The Same Pods Category

Nevoks X Pod w/Fixed Coil
Fit for:
Consult the Nevoks Feelin X Pod Family at the Pod Systems Using The Same Pods Category

Nevoks Feelin X Pod
Fit for:
Consult the Nevoks Feelin X Pod Family at the Pod Systems Using The Same Pods Category

Nevoks Feelin X Pod Family
Fit for:
Nevoks Feelin XR Pro Fixed Coil & AIO Pod Mod System
Nevoks Feelin X Fixed Coil & AIO Pod Mod System

Please Note: Nevoks X 0.2ohm Pod w/Fixed Coil will NOT work with other than Feelin XR Pro, due to the rest devices power restraints

Nevoks Feelin Mini Pod
Fit for:
Nevoks Feelin Mini AIO Pod System

Nevoks Feelin Pod
Fit for:
Nevoks Feelin AIO Pod System

Nevoks Feelin 2 Pod
Fit for:
Nevoks Feelin 2 AIO Pod System

Nevoks Feelin C1 Pod
Fit for:
Nevoks Feelin C1 AIO Pod System

Nevoks APX S1 Pod w/Fixed Coil
Fit for:
Nevoks APX C1 Fixed Coil Pod System
Nevoks APX S1 Fixed Coil Pod System
Nevoks APX S2 Fixed Coil Pod System
Nevoks Pagee Air Fixed Coil Pod System

Nevoks A1 Pod w/Fixed Coil
Fit for:
Nevoks Feelin AQ Fixed Coil Pod Mod System
Nevoks Feelin AG Fixed Coil Pod System
Nevoks Feelin AX Fixed Coil Pod Mod System
Nevoks Feelin AR Fixed Coil Pod System
Nevoks Feelin A1 Fixed Coil Pod System
Nevoks Feelin A2 Fixed Coil Pod Mod System

Nevoks Pagee Pod
Fit for:
Nevoks Pagee AIO Pod Mod System

NTSU Boro Plus+ Boro Tank (Bridge Coil/RBA Bridge Boro Pod)
Fit for:
Consult the Boro Format Pod Family at the Pod Systems Using The Same Pods Category

Let us know what we’re missing or if you find any errors, hit us up via the contact form.