510 connection
An industry-standard threaded connection, that allows many atomisers and mods to be cross-compatible.
Took the name from the 5mm length of the connector and the 10 threads that run along.

510 Drip tip
A standardised fitting for smaller drip tips.

521 Tab
A code name for ohm meters, special dedicated to Geek Vape's manager birthday, 21th of May!

810 Drip tip
A standardised fitting for larger drip tips usually found on high wattage atomisers.

18350, 18650, 20700, 21700, 26650
Different specifications of commonly used external batteries in vaping. The first two digits communicate the diameter of the cell, while the second two digits tell us the length of the cell in mm. The final 0 tells us that this cell specification is cylindrical.

Acronym for mouth to lung. This term refers to vaping devices with more restrictive airflow, where vapor is inhaled into the mouth and then into the lungs. MTL devices generally mimic the experience of smoking a cigarette more closely.

Acronym for direct lung. This term refers to vaping devices with more airflow, where vapor is inhaled directly into the lungs, bypassing the mouth.

Drip tip
The mouthpiece of a vaping device. Some drip tips are removable, allowing for further customisation.

Used to connect one threading type to a different threading type.

Acronym for all day vape which generally refers to an e-liquid that can be vaped all day long, without becoming boring or overwhelming the palate.

Advanced Personal Vaporizer (APV)
An electronic cigarette device that is considered more advanced than others. An APV typically features more advanced features and functions, such as an OLED Screen, Variable Wattage, and an elaborate Menu System, among others.

Acronym for All-in-One. A category of vaping devices that are not cross-compatible with industry-standard connections.
This term is also used for dot and Boro style tanks that hit the Market as a tank & proprietary Bridge set. In this case, the Bridge is compatible only with its paired tank.

A term used to describe how air is fed to the atomiser in order to create vapor. Airflow can be described in terms of its level of restriction and the level of turbulence a particular airflow design created.

A shortening of Ampere, which is a way of expressing the current in a circuit.

A term commonly used in the world of Vaping to describe a traditional tobacco cigarette.

Auto Draw
A type of Vaping device that works when inhaled rather than pressing a button.

The part of a vaping device that turns e-liquid into vapor. The term atomiser can refer to a tank (or other atomisers) in its entirety, or sometimes the replaceable coil.

Slang for Atomizer.

Acronym for American Wire Gauge. The standard used in the United States to determine the resistance and diameter of electric wire used to create the coils in atomizers.

A battery is the component of a vaping device that supplies power to the atomiser. Many devices contain a built-in battery, though others use external batteries that can be replaced at will and charged separately from the device.

Button Draw
A type of Vaping device that works when pressing a button.

Continuous Discharge Rating

A term used to describe the heating element within an atomiser that creates vapor. Coils are often made from strands of resistance wire but can also be made from strips of resistance mesh.

Disposable System
An electronic cigarette device that was designed to be disposed of when either the battery is depleted or the e-liquid has ran out.

DIY (Do It Yourself)
The term typically used when users mixes e-liquid themselves, but it can also be applied to rebuilding.

Typically referencing a computer chip manufactured by EvolVapor. The manufacturer has become highly known for its DNA Boards, all which has introduced new technology to the electronic cigarette industry.

Dry hit
An unpleasant, burnt-tasting vape occurs when the coil inside an atomiser is not properly saturated with e-liquid.

A term used to describe the liquid that is used in vaping devices, often but not always containing nicotine.

Faux Hybrid Mech - Aka Hybrid look Mech
Direct Battery Contact devices, utilizing 510 connection atomizers.

Freebase nicotine
The most commonly used variant of nicotine in e-liquids. Freebase nicotine can produce a harsh throat hit in higher doses.

Heat capacity
It is the ratio of the heat energy absorbed by a substance to the substance's increase in temperature.
It determines the ramp up time.

Heat flux
It is the thermal energy transferred from one substance to another per unit time and area denoted by temperature change measured in watts per meter squared units. In simple terms, it is the heat transferred per unit area.
It determines how hot the vape is.

Hybrid Mech
They were the first Direct Battery Contact devices with a mod and an atty that were designed to fit exclusively together.
Though the term "AIO" is originated from the Joyetech eGo AIO, in our opinion these were the first AIOs.

Macro coil
A type of wire coil that has an inner diameter that's 2.5mm and above.

abbreviation of milliampere-hour, this is the term used to describe a battery’s capacity to store energy. The higher the mAh, the longer its life before needing to be recharged.

Mech mod
A category of vaping device that does not use any electronics, or have electronic protections, instead using a mechanical circuit. Due to the design of mechanical mods, they are not recommended for new users.

Micro coil
A type of wire coil where the coil is wrapped tightly and with a short radius, so that the loops of the coil are all touching.
The term is also used for coils that have an inner diameter that's 2.5mm and below.

A term commonly used to describe vaping devices. The term originates from the word “modification” since early members of the vaping community modified devices such as torches to use as vaping devices.

A unit that measures the resistance of a wire or heating element. Generally speaking, lower resistance coils are able to withstand more power, though this is not always the case.

Ohm's Law
A fundamental law in electronics that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance.

A function of a vaping device allowing to vape while it charges through the USB cord.

PCC (Portable Charging Case)
This allows a Pod System to be stored in and charged, while away from other power sources. The PCC has an internal battery that is to charge from external power sources.

Acronym for Propylene Glycol. This is one of the base ingredients found in almost all e-liquids. PG has low viscosity, which makes it good at carrying flavour. High PG e-liquids tend to produce a stronger throat hit.

Pod System
A term used to describe small vaping devices that do not use traditional 510 connections or tanks. Most pods can be re-filled with your e-liquid of choice, though some pods are pre-filled with e-liquid and have to be replaced once empty.

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
It is unregulated. It fires full voltage of batteries at all times, in pulses. The potentiometer can change how often it pulses.

Acronym for rebuildable atomiser. This is a catch all term for any advanced atomiser that can be rebuilt by the user.

Acronym for rebuildable dripping atomiser. An RDA is the most basic form of rebuildable atomiser, consisting of a deck and top cap. Users build the atomiser with coils and wicking material, then drip e-liquid directly onto the atomiser. Some RDAs can be fed with e-liquid from the bottom, using a squonk mod.

Acronym for rebuildable dripping tank atomiser. RDTAs take elements from both RDAs and RTAs. Like an RDA, an RDTA has a large, simplistic deck. Beneath the deck is a reservoir of e-liquid, with wicks hanging down into it from the top. RDTAs are preferred by some hobbyists since they produce the experience of an RDA, without having to drip.

A term used to describe the process of replacing the coil and wicking material in a rebuildable atomiser. Rebuildable atomisers are more complex and generally used by advanced vapers to fine-tune the vaping experience.

Regulated mod
A term used to describe any vaping device that auto adjust the power, or allows you to set the power that is sent to the atomiser. Regulated mods often provide additional features such as short circuit protection.

Acronym for rebuildable tank atomiser. An RTA may look like a regular vaping tank from the outside but instead of using normal replacement coils, it can be rebuilt entirely by the user. RTAs are generally more difficult to maintain than RDAs.

Salt nicotine
A newer variant of nicotine found in e-liquids. Salt nicotine enters the bloodstream faster than freebase nicotine and produces much less of a throat hit. For these reasons, it has become popular over the last few years, particularly with vapers who require a large dosage of nicotine but dislike the throat hit produced by freebase nicotine. Salt nicotine is sometimes referred to as salt nic or nic salt.

Specific heat capacity
It is the amount of heat in joules required to raise 1 gram of a substance 1 Kelvin.

Stock coil, Factory coil, Drop-in coil
A term used to describe replacement coils that can be bought in packs and fit standard Tanks.

A term used to describe any coil that has a resistance of less than 1ohm. Sub-Ohm coils are generally able to withstand higher amounts of power, though this is not always the case.

A term used to describe stock coil tanks that use Sub-Ohm coils. Generally, subtanks are designed for higher wattages and large vapor production.

Any atomiser that is able to hold e-liquid and feed it to a coil.

Temperature control
Temperature control devices are able to measure the temperature of an attached atomiser and stop it from burning when it is not sufficiently saturated with e-liquid.

Temperature Coefficient of Resistance

Temperature Factors of Resistance

Throat hit
A term used to describe the sensation on the throat experienced when using a particular e-liquid or vaping device. Generally speaking, higher strength e-liquids produce a greater throat hit. Higher PG e-liquids also tend to produce greater throat hit. Different flavourings can also reduce or increase the throat hit of an e-liquid.

Acronym for Vegetable Glycerine. Like PG, it is a base ingredient found in almost all e-liquids. VG has a high viscosity. For this reason, e-liquids with high VG content (above 70%) should only be used in atomisers with large wicking ports. VG produces almost no throat hit, so it is often used in higher quantities for e-liquids that are intended for high wattage vaping.

Acronym for variable voltage. Variable voltage devices allow you to adjust the power supplied to your atomiser in terms of volts.

Acronym for variable wattage. Wattage is the most commonly used unit for expressing power in vaping. The vast majority of variable power vaping devices use variable wattage.

The term used to describe the material that feeds e-liquid to the coil. The most commonly used wicking material is cotton, though some companies use proprietary blends, including materials such as tea fiber and rayon.